Tales for the Son of My Unborn Child: Critical Praise "A collection of brief brilliant portraits...he is able to catch vividly the extremes of idealism and despair, generosity and power-grabbing, vision and incredible delusion, all without falling prey to sentimentality or bitterness."
"Farber's viewpoint is fresh, his report more lucid than those of the underground press, more human than all the sociological analysis."
"His stories reveal the common humanity of their subject, and a book that could have been a gallery of freaks becomes instead a testament to the times in which we live. Farber presents the courage and disaster of individual lives, and from them he draws a visin of their common fate, the blietzkrieg destiny of a generation...As the title suggests, the book is an act of bearing witness, and also a message, to be carried by love and the continutity of life itself.
"With thoughtfulness and perceptivity rarely seen, Farber shares with us...a series of vivid vignettes."