Through A Liquid Mirror:
Photographs By Wayne Levin; Introduction by Thomas Farber

A rare and gfted photographer, Levin takes the reader on journeys through underwater landscapes from the waters of the Hawai'ian Islands to Costa Rica and Micronesia. Levin's photographs have appeared in magazines and books including Kalaupapa, A Portrait and Kaho`olawe, Na Leo o Kanaloa. A National Endowment for the Arts Fellow, Wayne Levin has photographs in collections including the Museum of Modern Art, New York City, and the Hawai'i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.

Thomas Farber has been awarded Guggenheim, National Endowment, and Rockefeller fellowships for his fiction and creative nonfiction. His books include, The Price of the Ride, On Water, and Learning to Love It. Farber has been Distinguished Visiting Writer at the University of Hawai`i, Fullbright Scholar for Pacific Island Studies, and recipient of the Dorothea Lange - Paul Taylor Prize.

Critical Praise

" Photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson called it the "decisive moment" -- that unimaginably narrow slice of eternity in which the elements of mass and volume and velocity arrange themselves in front of the camera lens -- the instant during which there is a photograph waiting to be captured, not a millisecond before or after. The elements compose themselves, and then hurtle onward.

But the process also takes place behind the camera, deep in the synapses of the brain. Training and instinct and personal mythology sense the coming moment in time to fire off a signal to the shutter finger. It's a random world, so it's best to be prepared for it. Wayne Levin's decisive moments, many of which are collected together in the book Through a Liquid Mirror, are eloquent visual statements of a mysterious world. As an artist, he's clearly communicating this vision. The book was named the Samuel Kamakau Book of the Year in the Hawaii Book Publishers Association's "Ka Palapala Po'okela" awards."

--Brett Burlingame, Honolulu Star Bulletin